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Freddy Rueda Sarl

Agence Immobilière

3, rue du Vic

34480 Saint-Geniès-de-Fontédit



Activité : Sarl au capital de 7.622,45 euros - RCS Béziers 399 598 846 - Agence immobilière titulaire de la carte professionnelle Transactions sur immeubles et fonds de commerce n° 3401 2018 000 031 951, délivrée par la CCI de l'Hérault - Non-détention de fonds et donc absence de garantie financière - Responsabilité civile professionnelle Multagim Allianz n°41319158


IMPORTANT: The information provided in the property and land datasheets on our website and in our particulars may under no circumstances be considered legally binding and no guarantee may be given concerning the floor space and content shown in the final sales agreement. Errors are possible. This information is given as a simple indication to allow potential buyers to evaluate the property before a site visit. It is during this site visit that the buyer is able to obtain a clear understanding of the property of interest. Only the information provided in the pre-sales agreement compiled in our office is legally binding as it is based on final negotiations and all official documents available at this point in time. If the pre-sales agreement was made by the notaire then it is under the sole notaire's responsibility.